Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My Workout Motivations

We all know that it's tough to keep motivation for working out, but ultimately it's in our best interest to keep our hearts and bodies healthy.  I've already written a post on my weight loss posted February 2010.  This particular posting is dedicated to how I maintained my weight loss.

Honestly,  It's great to have someone around you who can say "When was the last time you went to the gym?"  It will keep you going.  It's great to have someone you can go to the gym with or take some sort of active class with.  I signed up for a 5k race that was held this past April.  This forced me to get in the gym more often and to run outdoors to build my endurance and to work for a quicker time.  Setting goals is key.  If you have nothing that you are working towards, it's much harder to quit. Remember baby steps are key.  Don't try and set a huge goal and expect to reach it in a day. It will only make you lose motivation that much quicker.  Majority of the fight in motivating yourself for a workout is mental!  Once you can overcome your mental obstacles, the physical part comes right along.

Having natural hair has made it easier to just get up and workout when i'm wearing a wash and go, but when I'm not, it is more difficult to convince myself to get up and hit the gym.  However, the healthier you are in your body, your hair will be that more healthy, so let's get it going!  Just be sure to rinse that sweat out of your hair.

So my advice is to set a goal that you have to work towards, whether that means signing up for a 5K, buying a beautiful dress that's a size too small, buying new workout gear, buying nothing but water to drink, signing up for a dance class that has a recital at the end, and etc.

Currently,  Ive been going to the gym and had not set a goal for it, which made it harder for me to stay motivated, but as of recently,  I long to see more muscle definition, not necessarily weight loss.  I want to be in the best shape that I can be and be a more disciplined person in every facet of my life, and from what I hear, working out is one of the best ways to do that.

Hope this helps!

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