Thursday, March 4, 2010

Wii Fit and EA Sports

OK. So the Wii Fit I have had for a while and would use it occasionally to exercise with. The exercises they had me to do on their required a lot of balancing and making sure you hold your center of gravity in whatever exercise you do. However, as we all know, exercise can get very boring doing the same things over and over again, AND, it's so easy to cheat yourself when no one is watching.

However, my younger sister bought a game for the Wii Fit by EA sports, and I tell you, that game is awesome. It like a cross between Wii Sports and Wii Fit but has much more variety. It has a boxing portion on it that requires you to hit the "boxing bag". It teaches you how to hit under-handed, over-handed, and over-head in tennis. It has you to run, do a lot of resistance exercises. It comes with a resistance band as well.

You can choose the different exercise routines that you want to do. They all have time limits and listed next to them are the amount of calories that you would burn if you are doing the exercises out at full capacity. Anyways, the game is great, you have fun, AND burn bunches of calories at the same time. The next day or so you may wake up sore, but that's a good thing. No pain, No gain, right?

I recommend this game to anyone who is unable to make it to the gym as often as they like. I wouldnt say completely substitute it for the gym, BUT, it is a great supplement to it.

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