Friday, February 19, 2010

Re-twisting the Twistout


So last time I showed you what I did for a simple twistout, how to preserve it overnight and take it down in the morning. Well, I originally twisted my hair Saturday night, let it dry and stay twisted throughout Sunday, and took out the twists Monday morning. The twists lasted until about Thursday without doing anything more than oiling and teasing my hair. However, it was done by the end of the day Thursday. When I mean DONE, I mean OVER, not recouperating. Therefore I decided to re-twist it Thursday night.

To retwist all I did was follow the original parts I used in twisting my hair originally. I took my spray bottle and filled it with water that was about room temperature and Optimum's "oil moisturizer." (It's a 3 in one moisturizer). Any how as I stated in the last write-up, I lost the curl pattern in my hair towards the middle, so I was going to twist the front and back separately. This time, I twisted 10 flat twists in the front, and did 5 flat twists in the back (mostly because I got lazy and did not feel like doing 20 twists in my hair). For the twists in the back, I put the hair rollers on the ends just as I did in the first write-up.

For each twist, I sprayed the hair, and put a generous amount (maybe a nickel size full) of moisturizer in it. After doing that, I took a wrap brush and brushed it out so that i could detangle it. (I did not pull any of my hair out and when it did get tangled instead of combing it out, I detangled it with my hands gently and used a smaller comb to get anything too tiny and tangled out).

As you can see int he photo below, the curl pattern in the back is much more defined and there arent any pieces just confused up in there. lol

There's a picture of the finished product at the very top, and here are more below.

Peace and Blessings!


  1. Looks very nice!!! I wish I had hair doing skills!

  2. All it takes is practice! I can try and teach you at some point! But it takes patience. Oddly enough, I can only cornrow the back of my head, not the front, I dont even try. lol But I can cornrow anyone else' hair with no problem. lol But we can teach you something!

  3. Again, I like the post and the hair - Ms. Lawyer/Beautician.
