Monday, February 15, 2010

Case of the Mondays

Mondays can be such a drag especially when you have a full day at school and/or work. I woke up around 7 today. I went to the gym for about 40 minutes and proceeded to rush back to the house to get ready for class which is set to begin at 9:15am. I flat twisted my hair so that took me about 20 minutes to take out all 10 twists, grabbed breakfast, and ran out the door. I regrettably did not do my devotional this morning however, I am working to do better. Looks like I need to wake up sooner.

Anyhow, currently I am at work in the law school's library with the after lunch time sleepiness kicking in. What shall I leave you with today? Do not eat pasta for lunch if you still have half the day left to study or work. Because of the heaviness of the carbs/starch inside the noodles you tend to get sleepy. Instead try something lighter that has the natural sugars that will keep you awake and alert for the remainder of the day. I see those 5 hour energy commercials, though tempting to try it, I've never been one to try and gain energy off of some sort of energy drink. For some reason it seems like it wouldnt be good for you, but hey, I will do my research and tell you what I find.

However, for energy I do take vitamins B6, and B12, and I do see a noticeable difference in how I feel throughout the day and how alert my brain is. I will be back later to show you the results of my twistout, to tell you the products I used and etc. Be blessed!


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